Cornwall Regional Hospital: Save our Jamaica Foundation is currently in conversation to build a recreational lounge for the children’s ward at Cornwall Regional where patients are able to read, play games, watch educational programs, access toys, and work on artistic projects together. Founder Raxann Chin spent over a month on this ward in 1985.
The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation: This foundation enables bright
student-athletes to display their athletic skills to invited coaches from prestigious universities in the United States of America, with the aim of gaining an athletic scholarship. Now going into its 7th year, The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation has awarded over 250 athletic scholarships – with some students matriculating to the master’s level. The annual JHF Cup Competition will take place at Munro College, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica W.I. on January 7th 2012. The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation regularly provides scholarships and bursaries for needy and deserving students with a passion for football, whose parents need assistance to pay for their education and sporting equipment. The Foundation honors the youngest, much loved and respected "Reggae Boyz" Jonathan Hibbert who was tragically killed in a traffic accident in December 2002. Johno, as he was affectionately called, had a passion for football. In keeping with his commitment to education and sports, the foundation celebrates his memory and continues to touch the lives of many Jamaican households.
The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation: This foundation enables bright
student-athletes to display their athletic skills to invited coaches from prestigious universities in the United States of America, with the aim of gaining an athletic scholarship. Now going into its 7th year, The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation has awarded over 250 athletic scholarships – with some students matriculating to the master’s level. The annual JHF Cup Competition will take place at Munro College, St. Elizabeth, Jamaica W.I. on January 7th 2012. The Jonathan Hibbert Foundation regularly provides scholarships and bursaries for needy and deserving students with a passion for football, whose parents need assistance to pay for their education and sporting equipment. The Foundation honors the youngest, much loved and respected "Reggae Boyz" Jonathan Hibbert who was tragically killed in a traffic accident in December 2002. Johno, as he was affectionately called, had a passion for football. In keeping with his commitment to education and sports, the foundation celebrates his memory and continues to touch the lives of many Jamaican households.
Save Our Jamaica Partners At Work - J Hibbert Foundation
SeBiArt i•ma•gine | e•volve: Berette Macaulay, founder of SeBiArt and award-winning international photography/artist and teacher, has formed active relationships with art organizations whose work specifically focuses on art education/therapy projects in underserved inner-city communities. From Jamaica, and based in New York, Berette has been at work for the past 4 years forming global exchange partnerships with:
YardEdge, Exploring the Edge of Jamaican Culture – a blog, a culture, and a support organization which provides visibility to underexposed talent, industry, and resources in Jamaica and the global Jamaican Diaspora. SeBiArt has worked with YardEdge as a guest video blogger and writer in exposing the efforts of Jamaican artists and entrepreneurs abroad.
CITYarts, based in New York and founded in 1989 by Tsipi Ben-Haim, has an ongoing global project, Pieces for Peace, which is a children’s art exchange project with 40+ countries and counting, under the umbrella program, Young Minds Build Bridge. SeBiArt has begun working with local primary schools and organizations in getting Jamaica’s talented young artists on the global stage – with the inextinguishable aim to raise funds to build a Peace Wall for Jamaica, by Jamaica’s children. See here what our children have done so far. Get involved! Jamaica’s Pieces for Peace works and CITYarts.
Studio 174 and INSCAPE Foundation, both based in Kingston, Jamaica, these organizations work in educational development and professional training of inner-city youth, through English language and mathematical education, art workshops and therapies, public projects, and exhibition both locally and abroad.
Save Our Jamaica Partners At Work - SeBiArt
Denver BIG PICTURE Global photo exchange project with INSCAPE and SeBiArt:
YardEdge, Exploring the Edge of Jamaican Culture – a blog, a culture, and a support organization which provides visibility to underexposed talent, industry, and resources in Jamaica and the global Jamaican Diaspora. SeBiArt has worked with YardEdge as a guest video blogger and writer in exposing the efforts of Jamaican artists and entrepreneurs abroad.
CITYarts, based in New York and founded in 1989 by Tsipi Ben-Haim, has an ongoing global project, Pieces for Peace, which is a children’s art exchange project with 40+ countries and counting, under the umbrella program, Young Minds Build Bridge. SeBiArt has begun working with local primary schools and organizations in getting Jamaica’s talented young artists on the global stage – with the inextinguishable aim to raise funds to build a Peace Wall for Jamaica, by Jamaica’s children. See here what our children have done so far. Get involved! Jamaica’s Pieces for Peace works and CITYarts.
Studio 174 and INSCAPE Foundation, both based in Kingston, Jamaica, these organizations work in educational development and professional training of inner-city youth, through English language and mathematical education, art workshops and therapies, public projects, and exhibition both locally and abroad.
- See INSCAPE’s work with Tivoli Gardens youth in the Tivoli Resolution Project.
- INSCAPE Foundation (founded 2010 by Max Earle, Rozi Chung, and Dr. Tammy Haynes)
- See the Denver BIG PICTURE Global photo exchange project with INSCAPE and SeBiArt
Save Our Jamaica Partners At Work - SeBiArt
Denver BIG PICTURE Global photo exchange project with INSCAPE and SeBiArt: